Sunday, March 4, 2007

More Victories...

So i've been playing around with the printing process - with much help from Jenny Lisa. I 'stole' some of her images off of and used them to play around with printmaking.

my favorite of the day...

Jenny's friend becky after an uber sexy photoshoot...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

still needs some trimming and some more scrubbing, but on the whole, very nicely done and i'm happy with it.

i also played around with one of Jenny's favorite images...
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i think i'm going to try color tinting that one, once i get it compleatly clean and ready to go. should be very interesting.

and then finally - i trimmed down the taj print (my first real sucess) and mounted it on a 'make your own book' kit. It's not perfect, but it will be a good gift for jenny. (did i mention she got me out of the blind date from hell??)
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

i do need to work a bit on my photography - the pictures are coming out a little wonky - which could just be because of the fact that i've got so much crap in my studio right now that i can't get the tripoid to level properly. today the mission is: CLEAN!

so, i'm off to enjoy that, enjoy the pretty pretty pictures in my absence.

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