Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Victory is Mine!!

So, after almost eight hours and so many variations i can't keep my head straight - i have found a clay printing process that works!

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that was try number 1. I tried Fimo clay for the first time, basically cause it was on sale at michael's. (no harm in watching the budget :) ) I did the same process, which was to roll out the clay with my trusy rolling pin (next purchase: pasta machine!) and then applied the soaked printed image to the clay and baking it according to directions.

needless to say, it didn't look right.

there were two things i did different from how i did the previous pendants.
1- different clay
2 - printed vs. photocopied image.

so i decided to try with the Sculpty clay, because i had been able to make that work the night before:
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and well, besides the fact that i broke the piece trying to take the paper off, still DIDN"T WORK!!

try three was with a different image, on Fimo clay, with a photocopied image
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again, spotty image. At this point, i'm getting angry because it worked last night!

So i decide to try one last time on Fimo clay with a photocoped image. This time, instead of just using my fingers, i rolled the image into the clay, really applying some elbow grease. (more for the fact that i needed just a little bit more trim than anything else)

when it popped out of the oven... voila!
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a perfect copy of Jenny Lisa's Taj photograph. You can even see the guy running in front of the fountain! how cool is that???!!!

so, after many many many tries and many many packages of clay (i really need to buy stock :)) i have found a method that works!

1- Photocopy Image
2 - Roll out Clay
3 - Cut out image and dip in H20
4- Place image over clay, roll with rolling pin
5 - trim off major excess
6 - bake per directions
7 - let clay cool
8 - Scrub back layer of paper off (don't pull, scrub!)

and then you end up with a nice clear dark images!
i played around with making some stamp pendants, but i forgot to print them backwards, so they came out funny, but i'm proud anyways!
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and that is how it's done! yay!!

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