Sunday, March 11, 2007

working on....

junk bracelet
Originally uploaded by eurysdreams.
jingly charm style bracelets seem to be all the rage, so i played around with some heavy glass beads on a silver plated chain.

made using pin heads and then making twisted loops to attach. i haven't quite mastered the art of twisting the bead right onto the chain - which alot of people do - so i add a jump ring to attach it to the chain. i actually like the extra movement that it gives to the piece. it is really heavy - which i enjoy in bracelets. i like to know i'm wearing the jewelery - but i might be in the minority there.

it's a simple piece really, but one that has alot of fun to it. my favorite is the little elephant ceramic bead that i found in the bottom of a drawer - never know what you'll find until you clean out the junk drawer!

like it? want it? buy it!

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