Sunday, March 11, 2007

working on.... (part deux)

yellow pansy necklace detail
Originally uploaded by eurysdreams.
this is a piece i put together really late at night (god bless insomnia!) i'm not entirely sure that i'm happy with it, i think i'll be working on it a little more to get it to hang the way i want it to.

this is also the first piece that i made using my clay transfer process - which i still havn't perfected, but more on that later.

the image (which i got off of a piece of paper i bought at michaels) got a little mucked up in transfer - but i actually like how rough it looks.

i added some jasper and amber/goldish beads to teh chain, which gives it a nice heft (again, i like heavy jewelery)

i'm fairly proud of this piece - it's a little more funky than some of the stuff that i make, but it lays just so nicely on the collarbone - who could say no to that??

like it? want it? buy it!

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